Friday, September 26, 2008

Hibiscus or Bunga Raya- National flower of Malaysia

This is the red hibiscus flower or bunga raya (Malay) is the national flower of Malaysia.

There are many varieties of the hibiscus over here, but the five-petaled Hibiscus rosa sinensis was chosen above the others, as the most symbolically relevant. The five petals of the bunga raya symbolise the Rukunegara while the color red represents courage.


Iowa Victory Gardener said...

Hi, and thanks for stopping by my garden recently. I'm glad you have a photo of your National Hibiscus up here! It looks very similar to a red one I grow called 'Brilliantissima,' but I'm sure there are some differences, as mine is a recent hybrid.

I'll have to come back when I have more time to read, because it looks like you have some good photography tips and resources going here. Thanks, IVG

Anonymous said...

Thanks for dropping by and leaving a kind comment.I am glad you like the photography tips.